무조건 암기 2
- 공유 링크 만들기
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- 이메일
- 기타 앱

I'm sorry, I was so hard on you.
2.난 컴퓨터에 관한 어느 정도의 지식은 있어.
I have a certain amount of expertise in computers.
3.별거 없어. 간단해.
That's all there is to it!
That's all it takes!
There's nothing to it!
4.결정을 해야 할 때가 왔어.
The time has come to make a choice.
5.영화 보러 갈래?
Are you up for a movie?
Are you in the mood for a movie?
6.내가 항상 있는 줄 아니? 날 물로 보지마!
Don't take me for granted!
7.나 금방이면 끝나.
I'll be done any minute.
8.그렇게 빨리 끝나지 않을 꺼야.
I won't be done any time soon.
9.난 빵만 조금 먹었어.
I only had bits and pieces of bread.
10.운명이란 항상 irony가 따르기 마련이지.
Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony.
11.살아가는데 필요한 건 이게 다야.
This is all I would ever need.
This is how much I would ever need.
12.난 절대로 목숨거는 일은 않을 꺼야.
I will never place myself at risk!
13.귀찮아. 하기도 싫어.
I don't even wanna bother doing it.
14.그 누구도 나만큼 똑똑하거나 매력적일 수는 없지.
Nobody will ever be as smart or as attractive as I am.
15.내가 일부러 그런 건 아니잖아!
It's not like I did this on purpose!
16.이것이 나로 하여금 믿게 하였어.
It made a believer out of me.
17.네 자신을 바보로 만들지 마!
Don't make a fool out of yourself!
18.세상일이란게 다 그런거 아니겠어!
That's the way things are!
19.그게 뭐 어때서? 그래서?
What about it?
20.이게 다 뭐야? 무슨일야?
What's with all these mess?
21.난 보나마나 성공할 꺼야.
There's no doubt I will succeed.
22.할려면 하고, 말려면 마!
Take it or leave it!
1.난 영어공부를 꾸준히 하고 있어요. I'm keeping up with my English.
2.날 그렇게 무작정 기다리게 마. Don't leave me hanging like that.
3.널 더 이상 참을 수 없어. I don't wanna put up with you any more.
4.네 말을 곧이 믿을게. I'm just gonna take your word on that.
5.오늘같은 날씨에 폭풍이 올 지도 몰라. With the weather like this, a storm could be on the way.
6.네가 왜 그걸 안 하는지 이율 모르겠어. I see no reason why you're not doing that.
7.그는 불법행위땜에 가혹한 벌을 받는다. He is subjected to severe punishment because of his illegal act.
8.이게 내가 하는 일에 방해가 될 수 있어. This can interfere with my business.
9.그거 내 아이디어야! I thought that one up!
10.넌 차라리 내가 없는 것이 나아. You're better off without me.
11.거기까진 미처 못 갔어요! I never got to that!
12.그게 뭐 잘못됐어? Is there anything wrong with that?
13.끝장을 내야겠어. I'll just put an end to it,
14.너 왜 그래? What is with you?
15.그냥 해 버려.(어려워도 참고 해봐) Bite the bullet!
16.섬찟해! 소름끼쳐! It creeps me out!
17.너무 좀 단 거 같어! It's a little too sweet!
18.누구나 올바른 생각을 갖는다면, 세상은 달라지겠지. For anybody to have the right mind, the world would be different.
19.이건 낼 까지가 데드라인이야. I only have until tomorrow to finish this,
20.옆으로 좀 비켜 주시겠어요? Could you scoot over?
21.우리 솔직히 다 털어놓자. Let's come clean with each other.
22.그만 돌려서 얘기해1 Stop beating around the bush!
23.그만 둬! Knock it off!